NIST Computer Security Resource Clearinghouse

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NIST Computer Security Resource Clearinghouse

NIST operates a clearinghouse of computer security-related information. This clearinghouse contains information on a broad range of subjects, including computer security incident response team alerts, papers on Internet security, policy and training information, privacy, computer viruses, advanced authentication, and firewalls. The clearinghouse can be accessed via the Internet (http, gopher, and ftp) and dial-in. To connect via gopher and ftp, use the following:


ftp - login as user ``anonymous''

To access the clearinghouse via an http client, use the following Uniform Resource Locator (URL):

The clearinghouse can be accessed via modem, at V.34 (28.8), V.32 (14.4), and lower speeds. The clearinghouse assumes 8 bit characters, no parity, and 1 stop bit. Dial the following:


and you will be connected to a lynx http client. This client is self-explanatory to use; on-line help is included. A full assortment of download protocols are available for transferring files to your local system.

John Wack
Thu Feb 9 18:17:09 EST 1995