From: (Adnan the BubbleBoy) Newsgroups: Subject: 00spawn.jpg (0/3) {comic} Index of Spawn covers Date: 22 Sep 93 15:54:14 GMT Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J. Filename : 00spawn.jpg Dimensions : 783 by 675 Size : 107344 Quality : 50 (about) Desc: Contact Sheet of all the Spawn covers done so far, #1 to #13 Desc: and some extras (Sorry no #7). Anybody got one for sale... Desc: (I can't put a question mark here because the script I wrote Desc: won't take it.) Desc: . Desc: BTW: This Contact Sheet was made by Icontact which is excellent Desc: for make these indexes. Desc: . Desc: BBTW: I messed up in naming these files. I used spawn1.jpg to Desc: to spawn13.jpg instead of spawn01.jpg to spawn13.jpg.