I'm distributing everything as .zip files now, the self-extracting files can be a pain for someone who wants to unarchive the code somewhere other than a DOS machine. Sources: WINVNSRC076B.ZIP is the latest source distribution, which includes stuff for both Pathworks4.1/Lanman2.1a and WINSOCK. There are two batch files, pwk2std.bat, and std2pwk.bat, which will copy files into a configuration where the two can be rebuilt. As shipped, the files are set up for Pathworks/Lanman. To rebuild for WINSOCK: d:\> pwk2std.bat d:\> nmake To build for PW/LM: d:\> nmake Documentation: WINVN_DOC.ZIP WINVN_DOC_PS.ZIP These files contain MS Word and (compressed) PS for a user manual written by Jim Dumoulin (dumoulin@titan.ksc.nasa.gov). (the PS file does not contain the nasty little Ctrl-D's) Binaries: WINVNPWK076.ZIP is an executable for Pathworks/Lanman that expects to find WSOCKETS.DLL. WINVNSTD076.ZIP contains (what should be) a WINSOCK executable. This one calls the WSAStartup() and WSACleanup() functions, so it should work with FTP Inc.'s WINSOCK, (Tested with Version 2.2) WINVNNT075.ZIP contains an NT executable for the October Beta Release. This is a 32bit app. There are bugs in this, but it seems to be basically useable. You'll need to set the WINVN environment variable (yes, it should use the registry). To do this, go to the control panel, pick 'System', and add a user environment variable that will point to your NEWSRC & WINVN.INI files. Each user should have their own copy of both files. WINVNNTSRC075.ZIP is the source set for building on NT. Just type 'nmake'. There were changes to both sources and makefiles that would be too messy to justify having a single source release with the 16 bit winvn.